Carol told me that The 2 Live Crew were coming to town and they were going to perform at a bar that a friend of hers owns. It took us less than 5 seconds to decide that it would be perfect for a bar meet. There was a snow storm that night, but things were hot and cozy in the bar. Lots of rap fans were there and so were some porn fans (and some a mix of both!). There were a few opening acts that were pretty cool, but we were all waiting for the headliner. We were not disappointed. Right off the bat they invited the gals on to the stage and we had fun bumping and grinding. After the first song the DJ told us we could stay on stage and watch the show from there. That was cool, but we did not stay seated for long. There was more dancing for us. They had two lovely gals who do a little floor show and interact with the audience. They invited us to join them and things got super crazy! And sweaty! Wow, was it ever hot on stage. By the end of the show my hair was soaked and I needed a cold drink to cool me down! :-)

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