Talia was at the library, but she was ignorant of the rules. Or perhaps she knew them, but was disregarding them. In any case, she had her walkman on and it was blaring noisy music. The librarian came over to tell her to please lower the volume. Talia noticed that the librarian seemed rather uptight. She needed to loosen up. To chill. So she reached over and shockingly touched her breasts. Oh my! Then she undid the librarian's blouse and had her take down her hair. The librarian tried to get back to work, but Talia was persistent. She peeked under the librarian's skirt and discovered she was not wearing any underwear. Oh my! She gave the librarian a little slap on her bum and then the librarian did something Talia did not expect. She started to undress her. After their little assisted striptease things really got out of hand. Both Talia and the librarian disregarded the library's rules and made quite a bit of noise! Oh my!

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